The Silver Linings of an ADHD Diagnosis

Although it is not at all uncommon, an ADHD diagnosis still comes with a bit of stigma. Many people associate ADHD with challenging behavior, lack of self-control, and inability to complete tasks. But ADHD can bring with it a host of unique advantages for those who are willing to embrace the good, learn how to […]

Getting Organized with ADHD

Organization is one of the most common struggles that people with ADHD face on a day-to-day basis. It takes tremendous executive function power to organize both physical materials and information in our heads. People with ADHD struggle with their executive functions, making organization extremely difficult without specific tools to help guide them. LEARN MORE ABOUT […]

What is Response to Intervention (RTI)?

In any classroom, you’ll find a wide range of abilities, learning styles, and academic needs. Gone are the days of the “one size fits all” approach to teaching. Teachers begin the school year by planning assessments to get a sense of each students’ unique strengths and abilities. Some of these assessments are formal, some informal. […]

Managing Sensory Overload for Your Child

Loud noises, bright lights, and changes in routine can be very overwhelming to someone with sensory processing issues. All of these factors can cause sensory overload, and therefore, stress and anxiety. The looming possibility of a sensory overload episode can be unpleasant and difficult for families, especially for the family member who is experiencing it. […]

Monitoring Your Child’s Anxiety

There is such a thing as healthy stress. In fact, our bodies need a certain level of stress in order to function optimally. Our bodies and brains need to make sure we are always prepared for the possibility of truly stressful situations! The presence of stress and anxiety, even when it is over things we […]

Addressing Challenging Behaviors in Children at Home

It’s easy to get fed up when our children act out. And if you are home with your kids all day, then your patience is probably wearing much thinner than usual. It is virtually impossible for us to always respond to our children’s behaviors in exactly the way we should. After all, we’re human. But […]

Becoming Your Child’s Best Advocate

It is heartbreaking to watch your child struggle, and it’s even more difficult when you don’t know how to help. Yet so many parents find themselves in this position each year. In some cases, families are lucky enough to be a part of a proactive school that takes action to address challenges a student might […]

Empowering Your School-Anxious Child

School is one of the most common sources of anxiety in children. According to the Princeton Review, more than half of students in America experience school stress at one point or another. If your child is in this majority, there are coping strategies that can help. Anxiety doesn’t need to derail our students’ success.  Strategies […]

Common Causes of School Anxiety

School anxiety is common, especially this year. Stress over any number of school-related issues may pop up for students at any time. And for the most part, a little bit of stress isn’t something to worry about. But if a student’s stress is chronic or gets in the way of day-to-day tasks, it should be […]

Making the Most of IEPs

We think it’s fair to say that the word “IEP” creates a bit of anxiety for most parents and teachers alike. That’s because these three letters are central to the educational experience of any child who learns differently. An IEP is a student’s Individualized Education Program, and it outlines the plan for specialized instruction, supports, […]
