Is a Special Education School Right For Your Child?
In deciding on a placement for your child with special needs, you may be considering a specialized school. These schools typically serve students with the same general disability classification. For example, some schools specialize in autism, while others cater to students with dyslexia or another learning disability. Before you make the leap and enroll your […]
Education Lawyers: What Do They Do & How Can They Help?
It is a parent’s right and responsibility to advocate for their child. More often than not, both the parent and the school want what is best for every child. While there may be small disputes, they are usually easily resolved because all stakeholders in a child’s education have the same ultimate goal: to see that […]
IEPs vs 504 Plans
The differences between an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and a 504 Plan can be confusing. They can contain a lot of the same content and ultimately serve the same purpose. Both documents put formal supports in place to help students in school, and both require parental consent to implement. They are also both available at […]
Getting Your Child Evaluated
If your child has been facing difficulty in school, you may want to have him or her evaluated. This will tell you if there’s a larger underlying cause, or if it’s just something that’ll pass. Here are the steps you’ll need to take to request an evaluation, and what you can expect from it. Know […]
A Student’s Rights Under IDEA
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) exists to ensure that students with disabilities receive the best education possible to meet their needs. As such, the law includes some specific rights for both children and their families. Here are the major rights students have under this law: Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) Students have […]
A Parent’s Rights Under IDEA
The IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) exists to give students with disabilities access to a free and appropriate public education. The federal law includes legal rights (referred to as “safeguards”) that families should understand as they apply to their child’s education. Here are some of the specific rights parents have under this federal law, […]
“Special Needs” or “Gifted”?
Disabilities used to carry with them a significant stigma. Historically, people may have been ashamed of their differences, which were not well understood. If they could hide them, they would. While we are still a long way off from total universal acceptance of learning and thinking differences, we’ve made progress too, especially in terms of […]
The Unique Challenges of Twice-Exceptional Students
There are quite a few things about being a twice-exceptional (or 2E) kid that no one else can really relate to. On one hand, you might be leagues beyond your peers in some areas. You may find certain activities or parts of the day boring or tedious. On the other hand, you may struggle to […]
What are Twice-Exceptional Students?
Not all learning differences cause struggle. Some students’ learning differences cause them to perform exceptionally well in certain areas. These are known as “gifted” students. Some students face significant challenges in one skill or area, yet are gifted in another. These students are known in the education world as “twice exceptional.“ They need extra support […]
The Connection Between ADHD and Dyslexia
ADHD and Dyslexia are very different disabilities. Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects students’ ability to read and write. ADHD is a neurological disability that affects executive functions like organization and focus. So if they’re so different, then why do the symptoms often look so similar? Common Symptoms: Distraction Both disabilities can cause students […]