Our expert educators are certified teachers and learning specialists.
They have the knowledge and training to create a more impactful tutoring experience.

Teaching is a craft, and our tutors are master educators. Every Braintrust tutor is a certified teacher or learning specialist with the knowledge and training to create a more impactful learning experience for your child. From foundational skill building through AP classes and specialized support, Braintrust teachers empower kids to grow into more confident, strategic learners.
The Braintrust Difference

More Knowledge

More Experience

More Impact
We teach kids to learn how to learn.
How We Work

Set Goals

Monitor Progress
Our tutors provide meaningful feedback in the form of session reports and progress reports after each meeting, making it easier for parents to track gains and understand their child’s learning goals.

Work Together
We understand that there is nothing more important than seeing your child feel confident in school. We promise your child will love learning with us.
Don’t just take our word for it!
“Braintrust is exactly what I was looking for – a transparent system that allows you to see exactly what you are getting, and search for exactly what you need.”
– Susie, Parent in NYC
– Carrie, Parent in NYC