Fine Motor Skills

Are you a passionate educator who loves helping kids develop fine motor skills? Join our team and become a Braintrust tutor today! Motor skills help us get though just about every aspect of our days. If you have to do something that involves movement, you are using either gross or fine motor skills. Gross motor […]
Strategies for Helping Kids Get Organized

One of the most common challenges associated with executive function issues is organization. Students who struggle with executive functioning (and even many who don’t) have a hard time organizing information and materials. Depending on the severity of these organizational challenges, students’ academic performance can be moderately impacted at best, and stopped in its tracks at worst. […]
Getting Organized With Google

Thank goodness for Google! Seriously, though, how would we ever survive without it? And for teachers in particular, Google Classroom is a lifesaver. However, I’d argue that Google’s organizational tools are an underutilized and equally powerful resource for supporting students. Once kids learn how to use them, they’re so much more likely to do better in school […]
How to Help Kids Build Social Skills

You won’t necessarily find a social skills lesson on every classroom’s daily schedule. Yet, a vast majority of young students need some level of instruction in how to do things like cooperate, share, play, take turns, and converse. And this is especially true for students with ADHD, social anxiety and social pragmatic communication disorder. Because […]
What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive technology creates opportunities. These resources and tools transform the learning experience for students who learn and think differently. This technology includes any device, equipment, or software that helps people work through tasks they find challenging. And these tools can be as high-tech as word prediction software to help students write, or as simple […]
What is Neurodiversity?

By definition, neurodiversity simply means that there is a range of differences among how humans think. But the concept of neurodiversity is so much more than just a definition. It also represents the philosophy that these variations are normal. Generally, society as a whole has shifted toward greater acceptance of more subtle differences, like ADHD […]
What is Early Intervention?

When a child finds school especially challenging, there are often signs at an early age. Perhaps your toddler isn’t able to count to ten like his peers, or maybe he isn’t showing some of the “inventive reading” tendencies you’ve heard about. If your child is not meeting one or two of the typical “milestones” on […]
What is Metacognition?

Metacognition can be described as “thinking about one’s thinking.” It is our awareness of of our strengths and weaknesses, big and small. For example, we use metacognition to identify tasks that are likely to be easy, and ones that will be more challenging. Similarly, when our mind wanders while reading, it’s metacognitive skills that kick […]
What is Cognitive Flexibility?

Cognitive flexibility is the ability to think flexibly. This skills makes it possible for students to quickly shift their mental gears; they’re able to look at a problem from multiple perspectives and adapt to new situations. There are two main types of cognitive flexibility. With “flexible thinking,” kids are able to think about or see […]
What is Inhibitory Control?

Inhibitory control can be thought of as a larger umbrella term for self-control. It is an executive function allowing us to consciously choose our response to a given situation in order to ensure that response is appropriate and will best serve our needs. A person with strong inhibitory control will still have strong emotional reactions […]