How to Use Choice as a Powerful Learning Tool

Everyone likes to feel like they’re in charge. Kids are no different! When we offer students choices, it allows them to feel like they are in control over a given situation. All students benefit from having choices as we all learn better when we have a say in our learning. For students who struggle with […]
How to Improve Your Memory

We all have moments when memory fails us. The name we’re looking for may be on the tip of our tongues. The image might be there, but it’s too fuzzy to really make out. Our brains can only hold on to so much information at once. And when we don’t truly need to remember something, […]
How to Teach Time Management

As students progress through the grades, they usually find themselves with more and more unstructured time. On the surface, this seems great. More free time means more time for them to finally do what they want! But once homework starts piling up, it is their responsibility to decide when they complete it, in what order, […]
What is Universal Design for Learning?

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a teaching approach that gives every student equal access to learning in the classroom. Here’s one way to look at UDL: if you are able to walk up a flight of stairs, then you are also able to walk up a ramp, or take an elevator. Not everyone is […]
Annotation Strategies That Work!

What is an Annotation? Annotating while reading text is a powerful way for students to become more active and engaged readers, but many don’t know where to begin. They don’t understand how and what to annotate, or realize how important it is. For example, highlighting is one of the most popular ways to annotate, yet […]
How to Motivate Students Remotely

Every teacher has had one of those students who just needs some extra motivation to get to work. There are countless ways to make this happen in a classroom, and even more in an in-person tutoring session. However, with the barrier of the screen, finding ways to motivate students remotely can feel daunting. With a […]
How to Teach Kids to Speak Up For Themselves

Self-advocacy is an important skill that even some adults struggle with. Teaching kids how to speak up for themselves takes time and intention, but even the shyest of kids can develop a sense of empowerment when armed with the following tools and strategies. Send Messages of Worth Kids need to learn and believe that they […]
What’s Your Learning Style?

The question of learning style has become a heated one in recent years. That’s because the idea of learning styles has been a part of teacher training for decades, yet there isn’t a huge amount of data to illustrate the effectiveness of using this information in the classroom. In fact, Howard Gardner, the godfather of […]
Speech-To-Text Tools for Kids

Speech-to-text is a magical gift for any student who struggles to write. Some might struggle with dysgraphia, dyslexia, or another learning and thinking differences that impacts writing. Some kids know exactly what they want to say, but it takes forever to translate their thoughts into written words; others think much faster than they write, resulting in skipped words and […]
Culturally Responsive Teaching

Being a culturally responsive teacher can feel overwhelming. And while all teachers want to be culturally responsive, it can be hard to know where to start or what a culturally responsive classroom even looks like. In large part that’s because it is a process that takes time and a whole lot of reflection. However, learning […]