Setting Meaningful Resolutions

The difference between a “resolution” and a “goal” can be murky. The obvious difference, which isn’t a difference in definition as much as use, is that resolutions are usually made at the New Year, whereas goals are made all year long. A resolution is what happens when someone makes up their mind to either do […]
Helping Students Bring Closure to the Year

This past year was one for the books. Some of us will remember 2020 as a year of loss and hardship. Others will look back with gratitude on the unity this time brought to their family. If you were lucky enough to keep not only your job, but also your sanity, you may have sacrificed […]
SEL Strategies and Activities

We know that this year, social-emotional learning is as important as ever. For classrooms that don’t have a formal SEL curriculum, and for parents who want to supplement their students’ development of these skills at home, here are some no-prep to low-prep strategies for building students’ social-emotional skills. For teachers: Name what students are doing […]
Social-Emotional Learning and the Struggling Student

Nothing is quite as devastating to a teacher as failing to reach a student. We’ve all had that student who struggles so much, either academically, behaviorally, or otherwise, that it seems like every innovative strategy we bring in just keeps them exactly where they are. And while some academic and emotional needs require intensive interventions […]
How Sleep Impacts Learning

We all know that sleep plays a critical role in our bodies’ ability to function properly. This is especially true for children and adolescents, whose brains and bodies have not yet fully developed. Getting enough high-quality sleep is a key factor in healthy growth and development. This means that sleep is uninterrupted by external stimuli […]
Maintaining Structure in a Time of Chaos

When things are hectic, kids feel it. Sometimes it manifests in obvious ways and sometimes they internalize it. Whether the chaos is due to a particularly busy or stressful time of year, or whether it’s due to extenuating life circumstances, there are a few key habits to not lose sight of. Because kids (and humans […]
A Fun and Educational Thanksgiving

There’s no doubt that hearts melt at hand print turkeys that say “I’m thankful for my family.” Teaching gratitude is important, so why not make it cute? But as common (and adorable) as these activities are, it’s important to consider the “why.” Classroom activities should always be rooted in an academic purpose, no matter the […]
What is Social-Emotional Learning?

Core academic subjects are not the only topics that need to be taught in school. Despite the constant spotlight on reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and related subjects, it is also crucial that students have access to a high quality social-emotional learning curriculum. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process students go through to develop […]
Talking With Teachers at Conferences

Parent-Teacher conferences always bring a wave of emotions. Parents are excited to hear about their child’s strengths and accomplishments, and nervous to learn about unexpected shortcomings. Teachers want to make sure they are communicating efficiently, while also conveying empathy and care. Even in the best parent-teacher relationships, this dynamic always takes effort to navigate well. […]
How Important are Grades?

Grades are the single most efficient way for teachers to communicate academic progress to students and their families. Aside from frequent, detailed feedback (which students should be getting, too!) grades are the only way to relay this information regularly, and in a standardized way. Without grades, students would be more or less in the dark […]