Managing Behavior by Tapping into Empathy

There is often a pressure on teachers to appear emotionally invincible. When students raise our blood pressure, we can’t let it show. We must always maintain composure and act calm, cool, and collected. While responding to a behavior by shouting or throwing chairs will certainly only exacerbate the problem, teachers need to shift their thinking […]
The Benefits of Social-Emotional Learning

When it comes to what students are learning, the spotlight is always on core academics like reading and math. This is especially true now, since many students risk falling farther behind as the pandemic prevents a return to normalcy. But we should all be just as concerned, if not more so, with students’ social-emotional wellness […]
How Schema Makes Learning More Meaningful

All of our experiences, memories, and beliefs play into how and what we learn. In part, this is because our perspectives and backgrounds contribute to how we interpret information. This prior knowledge is part of our schema. Schema refers to what we already know, and it plays a critical role in making learning meaningful for […]
What is Working Memory?

Human memory functions in complex ways. There are things we’d like to remember all the time but always forget, like where we put the car keys. Other memories that seem inconsequential in the moment may stick with us for years. Children’s memories play a huge part in their learning. After all, remembering information factors heavily […]
The Benefits of Martial Arts for Kids

Martial arts, like Karate and Jiu Jitsu, are thousands of years old. They originated in Asia as forms of self-defense. Now, while they are still extremely effective methods of self-defense, they serve several other purposes. Practicing martial arts can be especially beneficial to kids, particularly those who have academic or behavioral challenges. An important principle […]
How to Manage Challenging Behavior in the Classroom

Challenging behaviors can really put a damper on teaching. Even the most seasoned teachers can feel overwhelmed, and often stumped, by behaviors that seem to come out of nowhere. But as frustrating as these behaviors are, there are always reasons behind them. Students don’t engage in behaviors for fun or because they “just feel like […]
Graphic Organizers for Every Learner

Good graphic organizers can be game-changing for students, especially those with processing and/or organizational challenges. When thinking about graphic organizers, most people jump to the classic t-chart, venn diagram, or web. While these more widely-known organizers are popular for a reason, there is so much more to the world of graphic organizers! They can help […]
Food and the Brain

We’ve all been told to eat our vegetables since we were young. And most of us have probably nagged our own kids about it. No one doubts the health benefits of eating a balanced meal with a focus on fresh produce, whole grains, and lean protein. The effect foods have on the health of adults […]
The Benefits of Exercise on the Brain

We all know exercise is important. But winter is a less active time of year for most of us. And with a pandemic making exercise even more difficult, many kids and families are a lot less active than usual. Chronic inactivity can lead to mental sluggishness, irritability, behavioral problems, and, of course, a higher risk […]
Teaching Kids How to Reflect

The most famous tradition associated with New Year’s is setting a resolution. And this is a practice you can do at literally any age. It’s a great exercise in willpower and goal-setting for kids to begin practicing early. But another crucial part of wrapping up one year and starting the next is reflection. This year […]