Difficulty With Emotional Management

Lots of people have trouble managing emotions. Many adults spend their entire lives working on emotional management, and some never fully master it. So it should be no surprise when we encounter children who lack the skills necessary to manage their emotions. It isn’t something we’re born knowing how to do. We need to learn […]
Empowering Middle Schoolers

No one has ever claimed that being a middle schooler is easy. For average pre-teens, bodies, hormones, and friends change on an almost daily basis, and the last thing they want to think about is school. Having to spend hours each day doing what someone else tells you to do isn’t exactly their idea of […]
Promoting Verbal Communication

With technology ever on the rise, and kids’ faces glued to their screens, people are talking less and less. It’s no wonder that students today tend to struggle more with articulating their thoughts and ideas verbally. They don’t have to as much as older generations did! But being able to communicate articulately way is still […]
Your Child’s Social-Emotional Development

Just like students’ academic skills progress as they get older, so does their social-emotional development. While each child is unique in exactly when and in what order they master SEL skills, these are some of the typical milestones you can expect to see when students start elementary school, as they finish elementary school, and as […]
Age Appropriate Study Habits

We aren’t born with good study habits. We learn them, we practice them, and eventually they become second-nature. But how does this process start? And when? Building good study and work habits can begin as early as pre-school. One could even argue that a parent’s work ethic and attitude can rub off on children as […]
Building Early Metacognitive Skills

All kids learn best when they have ownership of their learning. But this is easier said than done. How do we give students this ownership while also guiding them through the rigorous curriculum they need to learn? Here are some fairly straightforward strategies that won’t require you to reinvent the wheel. Start with helping kids […]
Sharing Concerns About Your Child’s Learning

If you’ve noticed that your child is showing new struggles with his or her schoolwork, a great first step is to talk to their teacher. An open and honest parent-teacher relationship is key to a child’s success. They want to hear what you are seeing at home! But there are some important strategies to keep […]
Universal Design for Learning vs. Differentiation

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Differentiated Instruction (DI) both exist to address the varying needs of students. They serve the same root function, and are often confused with one another. Some professionals even use the two terms interchangeably. But UDL and DI are actually completely different things. They may look similar in action, but […]
Universal Design for Learning at Home

For parents of children with thinking and learning differences, the priority is often ensuring that they are getting what they need in school. But children are constantly learning–even at home! And the needs they have in the classroom don’t go away when the school day ends. An effective approach to addressing these needs in school […]
Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has gained popularity as an approach to teaching where teachers design instruction that meets the specific needs of a few, but still benefits all. There is a lot of theory behind UDL and the reasoning for taking this approach is sound. But what does a UDL classroom actually look like? […]