How to Build Kids’ Resilience

Resilience is an important skill that no one is born with. Kids who have skills in resilience are able to bounce back from disappointment sooner. They often overcome obstacles more successfully, and are more likely to persevere through challenges. Here are some of the ways we can help children build these important skills in class […]
What is “The COVID Gap?”

You’ve probably heard of the “Summer Slide.” This is what we call the learning loss that typically occurs over the summer months when students don’t practice skills. It’s very common, it happens every year, and with most students, it’s resolved by October or November. The COVID gap refers to learning loss caused by the many […]
Helping Kids Build Social Skills

You won’t necessarily find a social skills lesson on every classroom’s daily schedule. And yet, a vast majority of young students need some level of instruction in how to do things like cooperate, share, play, take turns, and converse. This is especially true for students with ADHD, Social Anxiety and Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder. Interacting […]
Supporting Academics at Home

With so many students facing the possibility of remote instruction every day, many parents are wondering what more they can be doing at home to give their children the support they need to be successful. We’ve put together some tips and resources, catered specifically to the unique times we all find ourselves in. 1. Digital […]
The Importance of Brain Breaks

“Brain breaks” are pretty self-explanatory. They are breaks that our brains need in order to be most productive. Anytime we are learning or engaging in any cognitive task that requires brain power, our brains need opportunities to rest. These breaks are especially important for children and adolescents whose brains are not only learning, but also […]
The Teacher-Student-Parent Connection

Close communication and trust between student, teacher, and parent are always important. This year, however, this trust is more important than ever. As students readjust to school, they need to know that everyone in their educational life is on the same team. When there is a strong connection between home and school, it increases the […]
Cooperative Learning in the Classroom

The skills involved in working cooperatively with peers are some of the most important that students learn in school. However, with social distancing mandates, desk shields, masks, and limited space and mobility, it will be especially challenging to find authentic ways for students to effectively collaborate. Still, after the whirlwind of last year, it’s imperative […]
Helping Your Child Acclimate to the School Year

Although the new school year is well underway for most of us, it will take weeks—perhaps more—for students to feel like they are back in any sort of routine. Last year was anything but a typical school year. Some would even go so far as to say that it didn’t count at all. So this […]
What is the Zone of Proximal Development?

It’s a challenge for teachers to keep track of all of their students’ exact levels of performance at all times. Still, it’s important information for teachers to have in order to deliver appropriate instruction. Knowing students’ levels helps teachers determine their Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The ZPD refers to a student’s academic “sweet spot” […]
Good Screen Time

This year set a new precedent for screen time. Many kids spent their entire school day on a screen. That doesn’t include all of the time they spent on screens unwinding after their school day was done. It’s a pretty safe bet to assume that we’ll never go back to being completely screen-free again. And […]