Free online tutoring through the Arizona Achievement Program
Personalized 1-on-1 tutoring to help your child thrive.
1-on-1 tutoring from Braintrust Tutors is completely free to eligible Arizona students in grades 1-8. Your child can have up to four hours of virtual tutoring each week to get caught up on reading, writing and mathematics with the support of a personal expert tutor.
Our learning matchmakers will find the perfect tutor to support your child’s learning needs, and we will be here to support you every step of the way. To find the perfect fit, we consider …
Academic area of need
Unique learning challenges such as a diagnosed learning difference or ADHD
English language-learners
Days and times for sessions that work best for your schedule
Through our partnership with the Arizona Department of Education, Braintrust Tutors can deliver targeted online tutoring to boost your child’s skills and confidence.
Lessons in elementary or middle school reading, writing, or math